Lizard Brain Process

Sometimes when I'm looking for new ideas for an illustration, I ask a friend to throw me a subject as a starting point. One idea that was given to me was the subject of masks, which seemed interesting and was something I hadn't explored before. I then went to the library and looked at a whole lot of books on masks. Mexican, Japanese and African masks appealed to me the most for inspiration. Around the same time, I'd been hearing a lot about the lizard brain and the concept kind of crept into my process and the mask idea evolved into a lizard brain idea.

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Playing Cards Process

Who doesn't love playing cards? I've seen so many awesome playing card designs lately, I thought I'd do a couple of my own as miniature prints. First, a little history. It is thought that playing cards first originated in China as early as the 9th century. By the 14th century they found their way into Europe. The suit system of hearts, spades, clubs and diamonds that we're familiar with today evolved over time. Starting with systems created by countries from the East, the French simplified the design, which has since become adopted around the world.

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Pocket Watch Process

I decided to make a linoprint of a pocket watch for a person I know who has a slight obsession for watches and he talks about them a lot. As a result, I've learnt more about watches than I ever thought possible. I'm an enthusiast for traditional craftsmanship, so it didn't take long to come to appreciate the history and the craft that goes into making mechanical watches. I especially have a fondness for vintage pocket watches that have fancy engravings. I've seen some of these incredible ornamental pocket watches at the Patek Philippe Museum and the IWC Museum during my travels to Europe and I wanted to create a pocket watch similar to the ones I had seen in person.

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